
Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Trade skills shortage Canada

Welcome to the January 2013 Edition of the Migration Expert Newsletter.

The highly anticipated Federal Skilled Trades Program was officially launched on January 2, 2013 with plans to admit up to 3,000 applications on a first-come-first serve basis within one year. The program, which is considered helping address serious labour shortages in some regions of the country, and supporting economic growth will include trades like electricians, welders, heavy-duty equipment mechanics and pipefitters.

Friday, 18 January 2013

Forecast by Eurasia Group 2013

10 - South Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa, more than any other region, epitomizes the paradox of the shift in economic dynamism to the emerging markets and the significant increase in political risk. In aggregate growth terms, Africa looks to be on a trajectory to continue its recent positive performance. Middle classes are rising, and more countries are headed on higher growth trajectories. But investor beware, in Africa’s two largest and most sophisticated economies--South Africa and Nigeria--the outlook is much less rosy. For Nigeria, the outlook for 2013 is pretty steady, if negative; and it did not make the top risks list. But South Africa, which we included in our 2012’s top risks, again makes the grade, as the trends we correctly highlighted last year appear even more ominous for 2013.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Found on the SA-Canada Forum

Hi there ,
We decided in Feb this year that we had had enough, and that we were going to Canada. Three months later we were in Canada - so far very happy and dont regret move.
The easiest (and quickest) way is to have a job offer from a canadian employer. My wife managed to track down a job in the optical industry. She did two interveiws with the employer on Skype (its free). The employer must give you written confirmation of your job offer.

Monday, 14 January 2013

White genocide in SA

White Genocide In South Africa Politically Motivated Murders in South Africa from 1994 to 2012: Whites Murdered by Blacks Since 1994, an estimated 68798 white South Africans have been murdered of which 4041 were commercial farmers. True... figures are very hard to come by as the South African police fail to report most of the murders that take place.

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Na Kanada - Deel 2

Na Kanada - Deel 2 - deur P.K.Odendaal - 14 Januarie 2013 

Die tyd raak nou min en ons het begin pak. Op aanbeveling van iemand anders het ons die maatskappy Moveit aangestel om ons goed te pak en te vervoer. Dit was ons eerste fout. Dit is die mees 'useless' firma wat ek ooit mee gewerk het, so more-oggend moet ons iemand anders kry.
Ek probeer baie hard om hierdie artikels nie-polities te hou, maar vind dit sommige tye baie moeilik, want ons hele sisteem en denke het een politiese gemors geword. Frik vra my eergister wat sleg is van Kanada. Ek antwoord hom dat ek nie weet nie, want elke land het iets slegs, maar dat ek mooi sal uitkyk en my lesers sal laat weet, want ek is sensitief vir sulke dinge. Tot dusver het ek nog nie iets slegs opgemerk nie. Ek antwoord ook, dat as hy so twee ure tyd het, kan ek hom so duisend dinge vertel van wat sleg is van die huidige Suid Afrika.

Monday, 7 January 2013

Ons emigreer na Kanada - Deel 1

Ons emigreer na Kanada - Deel 1 - Voorbereiding.
deur P.K.Odendaal - 1 Januarie 2013.
Dit is algemene kennis dat Suid Afrika teruggaan na waar die kolonialiserende lande hom gekry het so drie honderd jaar gelede. Hy sal egter nie heeltemal teruggly nie, aangesien sekere 'verbeterings' permanent of blywend sal wees. Hoever hy sal teruggly 'is anybody's guess'. Wat egter meer saakmaak is: waar is my drumpel van 'gatvolheid' hiermee? Hoeveel van die 'oorblywende verbeterings' is essensieƫl vir my om 'n redelike vlak van lewenskwaliteit te geniet. My drumpel het so drie jaar gelede alreeds aangebreek.